Ask the Vet About Corneal Ulcers in Dogs and Cats

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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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DateSep 29, 2023
CategoryCorneal Ulcers
Pet TypeCat
Topicsty on eye

my cat has a stye on his eye. what can I do ?


Hey! You can try gently cleaning his face with a soft damp washcloth a few times a day to help with the inflammation and remove any debri! If it doesn't improve after a couple of days, I recommend that you bring him to your vet! -Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateAug 14, 2023
CategoryCorneal Ulcers
Pet TypeDog

my dog is having a corneal ulcer. I'm waiting for the vets appointment next month. can I use medication while waiting? 1. Optixcare Eye Lube Plus 2. Optimmune I'll be grateful if you can help me with some information about these meds.


Hey! I recommend that you bring your dog to a vet sooner if you can! If it is an ulcer, you do not want to wait! Those eye drops are safe to use in the meantime though. -Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateJan 6, 2023
CategoryCorneal Ulcers
Pet TypeDog

What can I use for my dogs Corneal Ulcer?

Answer: Hey! For corneal ulcers you will need a combination of antibiotic eye drops, lubricating eye drops and serum that you vet gets from your dogs blood! I put a link to the lubricating eye drops I like to use called "Optixcare Eye Lube Plus". To heal corneal ulcers you need to be putting eye drops in every 3-4 hours. This even means getting up in the middle of the night. A bad corneal ulcer can rupture and your dog can loose their eye, so please have them seen in person by a Veterinarian. I hope this helped! Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateAug 14, 2022
CategoryCorneal Ulcers
Pet TypeDog
TopicMed combination

Hello my dog was put on neomycin and cipofloxacin That wasn’t helping so she added terramycin and biohance but didn’t tell me if I use the at the same time or separately. He seems to be getting better but I want to make sure his eye has a slight blue tint to it but it is more translucent today and has no redness on his eyelid with out significant swelling. He does have a black line on his middle eye lid(the lid that is visible when he’s sleepy). Also when I use the cipofloxacin he tries to scratch at his eye pretty aggressively what should I do?


I don't like to guess what is going on with eyes in particular without being able to see the eye, so definitely have your veterinarian recheck him when you can.

DateAug 4, 2022
CategoryCorneal Ulcers
Pet TypeCat
TopicCats corneal ulcer

Hi, please my cat has a corneal ulcer and her Vet gives her couple of eye drops , but i can notice now after 2 days of treatment her eye produces liquids and i think it is swallow a little is that normal ?!


No not really - she should be steadily improving so have your veterinarian recheck her if it continues or worsens.

DateJul 22, 2022
CategoryCorneal Ulcers
Pet TypeOther
TopicLeaky eye

Hi I need an oral antibiotic for my dog he had an ucler in his eye had eye drops and now hes needs a oral antibiotic to finish


It is rare to need an oral antibiotic for a corneal ulcer because there is no blood supply to the cornea, so we usually use topicals. If one is deemed necessary, in veterinary medicine, an oral antibiotic would have to be approved by a veterinarian that has met your dog face-to-face so contact your local veterinarian.

DateJul 16, 2022
CategoryCorneal Ulcers
Pet TypeCat
TopicCloudy eye

Why is my cat's right eye cloudy and why won't he open it?


I would need examine your cat to determine what is going on: many possibilities from that brief description, so see your veterinarian if it continues or worsens.

DateMay 30, 2022
CategoryCorneal Ulcers
Pet TypeDog
TopicDog with Ulcer- Not eating/drinking

Dear Dr, My 1.5-year-old Labradoodle was diagnosed with an eye ulcer 4 weeks before. It started with red-eye and soon the whole eye was swollen, After 4 weeks of eye drops, antibiotics, and pain medications now his eye seems 70% better. Front swelling is all gone the back and top of the eye have sweling. However, he has stopped eating, drinking, playing, and moving for last week. We are force-feeding him, his ophthalmologist says we need to get a CT scan, and we have it scheduled for next week. But I cant take the wait, can you suggest if we are right track?


It's hard for me to relate a corneal ulcer (that is 70% healed) with the recent clinical signs, so yes, further testing sounds like his next steps to determine what is going on.

DateApr 20, 2022
CategoryCorneal Ulcers
Pet TypeDog

Cushion in the corner of eye seems extended out of visible redness..possible scratch on eye..I have rinsed with warm water and damp cloth..should I purchase eye solution from pet meds if I cant get into vet?


I don't know what you mean by "cushion", so it is ideal to see your local veterinarian for the best advice, especially if you think it might be scratched. If they can't get you in immediately, a gel like this one may help:

DateApr 1, 2022
CategoryCorneal Ulcers
Pet TypeOther
TopicEye ulcers

My dog has been diagnosed with corneal ulcers the antibiotics we are using don't seem to b helping much,I can't afford surgery what else can I use for his eyes


I would really need to examine him (and probably run some tests on him) to really make any really helpful recommendations. But there are options: Changing antibiotic drops may help, increasing the frquency you are giving them, "Remend" drops may help, if blood vessels have reached the ulcer an oral antibiotic may help, etc.

DateSep 16, 2021
CategoryCorneal Ulcers
Pet TypeDog
TopicMed equivalent to Atropine sulfate

Which medication us equivalent to atropine sulfate


Atropine is the active ingredient that dilates the eye - it's really the only medication we use in veterinary medicine to dilate the eye - there are many brands though if that is what you are asking.

DateSep 14, 2021
CategoryCorneal Ulcers
Pet TypeDog
TopicSeverins ulcer mix

Can it be purchased from petmeds


It doesn't look like they do. But this is the "Ask the Vet" section about medical questions. Contact customer service to see for sure. Here is their contact information: Toll Free Number (Call or Text) 1-800-PetMeds® (1-800-738-6337) Email Address

DateMar 23, 2021
CategoryCorneal Ulcers
Pet Typenull
TopicAustralian Whites Tree Frog

I brought her to the only exotic animal medical school for vets in this area last month for a cloudy eye. Their opthalmologist and vet diagnosed Lipid Keratopathy in both eyes, and Chronic Corneal Ulcer that shows previous healing. I never noticed anything wrong till her eye started getting cloudy. She was put on 4 hour baths in Enrofloxacin, in Plasmalyte for five days, and a drop of Ofloxacin in each eye every 12 hours for two weeks. This cost me almost $500, and they said she would go completely blind, and die within 18-24 months from high cholesterol from crickets. I'm not seeing any significant results and don't want to overdose her. I read excellent human and animal opthalmologist reviews of Remend Corneal Repair Eye Drops, but can't afford another visit to that Medical School to ask for a prescription, and it's not available without. Hyaluronic Acid is in the eyeball and Remend, but I'm not even going to try that straight in her eyes. What can I give her to help her eyes heal from the ulcers, and clear the cloudy film that's trying to cover her pupils? I also just read about Bentonite Clay that lowers cholesterol in animal studies. She certainly doesn't want to be on a diet, and she really doesn't eat that often. Maybe once a week normally. She's not my only Whites, just my favorite baby, and in captivity in good health can live up to 20 years. I bought her and her brother online from a breeder, and they were already adults. I've had them for about three years now. They aren't that old, but I don't know their history either.


I am solely a small animal (just dogs and cats) veterinarian so contact a veterinarian that specializes in exotics for help with your frog. You can often find them at your local veterinary school or on websites like

DateMar 4, 2021
CategoryCorneal Ulcers
Pet Typenull
TopicEye scratch

Hi, my cat got scratched in the eye by our other cat. What drops can I buy over the counter to help it heal?


Having your veterinarian check it out is ideal. Sometimes over-the-counter eye gels like this one help: But often an antibiotic is needed like Terramycin:

DateFeb 26, 2021
CategoryCorneal Ulcers
Pet Typenull
TopicDog eye squinting

My dogs eye is squinting, she doesn't have any discharge and it is a little red. What can I do?


If it is mild, just rinsing with human eye normal saline (like contact wearers use) can help. If it is a little worse, an over-the-counter eye gel like this one may help: Then if it doesn't, seeing your veterinarian for an official diagnosis and stronger prescription medications may be necessary.

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