Which Is the Best Flea Prevention for Your Dog?

Learn how to choose the best flea and tick prevention for your pet
When choosing the best flea medicine for dogs and cats, there are several important factors to take into consideration. There are more options now than ever before, which can make it easier to choose just the right flea and tick medicine to help protect your pet. First, though, you must become aware of what is available and all of the pros and cons of each option.
Factors that will affect your choice include:
- Type of protection (fleas, ticks, tapeworms, roundworms, etc.)
- Mode of administration (i.e. oral, collars, topical treatments or shampoos, etc.)
- Length of effectiveness
- Cost
- Possible side effects
The following infographic will help you determine the best flea and tick prevention for your pet, as well as give you insight into the importance of flea and tick control and how to prevent flea infestation in your home.
Protecting your pet against fleas and ticks is about more than just pest control. The diseases that are carried by these tiny menaces can have a serious impact on your pet’s health. Fleas and ticks also carry diseases that impact human health, so preventing infestation in and around your home is vital to the health and well-being of your entire family.
Whichever type of flea and tick prevention you choose, be sure to keep your pet protected against fleas year-round. Fleas never go completely dormant, even during cold weather. In fact, fleas may seek out the warmth of your home in the cold months of the year. It is much easier and more cost efficient to prevent an infestation from happening than it is to eradicate a thriving flea population.
Also, remember to protect every pet in your home against fleas and ticks. Just because you found a flea on one pet but haven’t seen any on your other pets doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Various stages of the flea life-cycle can be difficult to detect, so it’s best to protect all pets at all times to avoid passing parasites from one pet to another.