Top 5 Halloween Safety Tips for Cat Parents

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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Cat Halloween Safety tips

With Halloween around the corner, those of us who celebrate are already getting caught up in the festivities. As you plan costumes and shop for candy, don’t forget to keep your feline in mind. Though it may be spooky cat season, many Halloween traditions aren’t actually cat-friendly. Prevent serious scares with our top five Halloween safety reminders for cat parents.

Top Five Halloween Safety Hazards for Cats

1. Beware of mischief makers.
In many regions, kids and teens celebrate “Mischief Night” on October 30th, when they play pranks and vandalize their neighborhoods. Most pranks are relatively harmless - like throwing eggs or tossing toilet paper - but some can escalate to violent crime, particularly against cats. Outdoor cats, strays, and community cats can be at risk for being harmed by delinquents. Keep your cat indoors during the week of Halloween. Or, better yet, keep them indoors year-round to keep them safe from severe weather, fights, and other scary outdoor dangers.

2. Keep your cat away from the front door.
If you’re expecting to greet trick-or-treaters. be on the lookout for your curious cat, who may try to slip by while you’re busy handing out candy. It’s best to keep your cat in a separate room during trick-or-treat hours to ensure they’re nowhere near the open door. Even if your cat does not normally door-dash, spooky costumes can trick them into high-tailing out of your house.

3. Dress up with care.
Some cats will tolerate wearing a costume for a few minutes during a photo-op, but you should generally not make your cat wear anything that’s uncomfortable. Do not leave your cat unattended in a costume, as they could choke on loose pieces or they could get trapped if it gets snagged on something.

4. Keep candy out of reach.
Though cats don’t have the taste receptors to detect sweetness, some foodie felines will still try to eat candy if it’s left within reach. Make sure your curious cat cannot hop into any unattended bags or bowls. Store candy in an off-limits room or even in the fridge to make sure your cat doesn’t get any. Candy that contains chocolate, artificial sweeteners, or raisins can all be a toxicity hazard, while all candies, small toys, and wrappers can cause choking.

5. Keep cats away from candlelit Jack-o-lanterns.
Cats love jumping into small, enclosed spaces, which are abundant on Halloween. Keep all buckets, bowls, and bags out of reach, and take special care with Jack-o-lanterns, especially if they contain a lit candle. Flameless LED tealights are safer for pets and they last longer, too. Same goes for all decorative candles - only use electric.

Have A Happy, Cat-Friendly Halloween

Leading up to the holiday, you can get your cat in on the fun by stocking up on their favorite cat treats and toys, decking them out in a costume or a seasonal collar, and taking lots of pics of your festive feline. That way, they won’t feel left out when they nap through the frenzy of fright night.