Ask the Vet About Vaccine Side Effects in Dogs and Cats

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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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DateJul 22, 2023
CategoryVaccine Reaction
Pet TypeDog
TopicShe is vomiting after 3days of vaccination at the age of 57 days

My pet is vomiting after 3days of 1st vaccination at the age of 57days, I also took my pet veterinarian he gave glucose with an injection though she didn't stop vomiting..... My pet is too weak.... 😭 What shall I do.... Doctor


Hey! I recommend that you bring your dog back to her vet to get her checked out! A young puppy that is lethargic and vomiting will probably need to be hospitalized on IV fluids and anti-nausea medication. -Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateJul 14, 2023
CategoryVaccine Reaction
Pet TypeCat
Topicallergic reactions

Hi one of my cats was diagnosed w/pancreatitis and lost a lot of weight, my other cat has a normal life but every 3-4 months he gets a seizure (it starts w/him running as if his life depends on it, then crashes w/a seizure and his body all stiff but shaking, he is drooling, heart racing, jaws clenched), after a few minutes he is all good, but has a good appetite and thirst. All cats are indoor only, they do not eat stuff that should not be eaten by a cat, and have no other illness. Is this possible that the rabies vaccine could play a role here? Especially, since the cat w/seizures just received a shot on MOnday


Hey! Some animals are prone to seizures due to a variety of reasons that aren't always known! I personally have never experienced an animal having a seizure due to a vaccine! I would suggest that you talk to your cat's vet about this. They might recommend doing some diagnostics and starting your cat on a seizure medication to help prevent another one from happening! -Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateJul 10, 2023
CategoryVaccine Reaction
Pet TypeDog
TopicSide effects

My puppy got dewormer and 4 vaccines 2 days ago. She’s been sleeping all day today and does not have a lot of energy. Is this normal?


Hey! Sometimes vaccines will make puppies a little lethargic for a day or so but if it persists, I would suggest bringing her back to the vet especially if she isn't eating, is vomiting, or is having diarrhea. -Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateJun 1, 2023
CategoryVaccine Reaction
Pet TypeCat
TopicVaccination reaction to distemper and leukemia shot

What are the symptoms/side effects after a distemper leukemia shot?


HEY! Some cats stop eating after getting this injection. Please ask your vet to examine the cat, which they should do complementary if you did the vaccine at that vet. Your cat may benefit from a steroid injection! This is what helps my cats after they get vaccine reactions. I hope this helped! Dr. Lindsay Butzer PLEASE CHECK OUT MY VETERINARY YOUTUBE CHANNEL HERE:

DateMay 26, 2023
CategoryVaccine Reaction
Pet TypeDog
TopicVaccine Reaction - Lymph Nodes

How long until a swelling of the lymph nodes should subside, if it is a reaction to vaccinations? And should you give Benadryl in this case as well?


Hey! If your pet is having a vaccine reaction they need a steroid injection and Benadryl injection. Benadryl pill could work 1mg per lb, but steroid is the best! Please go to your local vet for this. I hope this helped Dr. Lindsay Butzer! Please check out my YouTube channel here!

DateMar 27, 2023
CategoryVaccine Reaction
Pet TypeDog
TopicSeizures after vaccine

My dog Keelo started having seizures after he was vaccinated last year. They occur about once every 2-3 months. Is there something I can give him that is natural to help alleviate or lessen the seizures?


HEY! There are many medications for seizures. You need to speak to your local veterinarian or possibly a neurologist however your local vet should be able to handle seizures just fine. They may start out weak with Gabapentin and Keppra then the strongest medication for seziure control is Phenobarbital. Please talk to your vet. I hope his helped! Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateFeb 19, 2023
CategoryVaccine Reaction
Pet TypeDog
TopicExtreme lethargy 48 hrs after bordatella nasal vaccine

Hello, My 8 week old boxer puppy went for her first well check at our vet on Tuesday of this week. Despite already having vaccines just 5 days prior per the regular AKC schedule, our vet pushed to have her get the bordatella nasal vaccine. 48 hrs later she is extremely lethargic. She is however eating and drinking, pooping and peeing, but basically doing nothing but sleeping. None of the other pups from her litter received this vaccine during their first visit to their vets and everyone else is doing fine. What do we do?


Hey! I would first suggest going into your veterinarian and letting them know that she did not do well after the bordatella intranasal vaccine and that she needs her shots spaced apart. If you can't go in tomorrow try giving your boxer puppy some Benadryl 1mg per pound and see if this helps with an allergic reaction. If she is eating and drinking that is a good sign and she may just need to ride out the lethargy but keep monitoring her. I hope this helps. Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateJan 6, 2023
CategoryVaccine Reaction
Pet TypeDog
TopicSwelling after vaccines.

My 6 year old Pomeranian Shih Tzu mix received his bordatella, rabies, and distemper vaccine about five hours ago. We also cleaned his ear when we got home. Now, his lip and eyelid are swollen. No trouble breathing and he's alert. Should we bring him in?


Yes. Please go to the veterinarian for a steroid injection to fight the allergic reaction happening! The steroid injection is what he needs to get swelling down fast. I hope this helped! Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateNov 18, 2022
CategoryVaccine Reaction
Pet TypeDog
TopicRabies vaccine causing seizures?

My 5 month old Dane received his rabies vaccine 11.17.22. 2.5 hours later, he was having a grand mal seizure. This is his second seizure, the first being 5 days after a dose of Sentinal flea/heartworm oral prevention. This first seizure was 10.28.22. Is it only a serious coincidence that he seized again after a foreign "thing" was introduced to his system or is it a probable reaction to the vaccine?


It is probably coincidence, but really impossible to guess. Divide up all of his vaccines in the future - waiting at least 2 weeks in between and talk to your veterinarian about which ones are absolutely mandatory for him based on his lifestyle.

DateNov 18, 2022
CategoryVaccine Reaction
Pet TypeHorse



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DateAug 29, 2022
CategoryVaccine Reaction
Pet TypeDog
TopicBordetella reaction

My 10 mo old puppy is acting confused and leaning his head to one side. He's very dizzy and hasn't eaten since Saturday evening. Is this a normal reaction? Or is this an emergenxy?


No - that is not a normal reaction. I would have your veterinarian recheck him.

DateAug 12, 2022
CategoryVaccine Reaction
Pet TypeDog

At what age is it not necessary for my dogs to no longer receive the parvovirus and distemper vaccines if they have been vaccinated properly from birth?


Good question - the research is ongoing. Most vaccine companies will say they continue to need it every ~3 years for life.

DateJun 27, 2022
CategoryVaccine Reaction
Pet TypeDog

My 9lb dog had not peed since getting her 4 shots yesterday which includes the 3 year vaccine?


Have your veterinarian recheck her if it continues. Even if she is better by now, let them know, so they will separate the vaccines the next time she needs them and not give 4 at one time to such a small dog.

DateMay 31, 2022
CategoryVaccine Reaction
Pet TypeDog
TopicBordetella and DHPP reactions- vomiting

My 12-week puppy got her first Bordetella oral vaccine and her 3rd DHPP today. She vomited her whole breakfast (from 5 hours prior) during the car ride home. I’m worried if one episode like this is enough to be considered an allergic reaction?


If it doesn't continue, she isn't lethargic when you get home, she has no facial swelling, etc. I would be more suspicious of motion sickness in the car than a vaccine reaction.

DateMay 20, 2022
CategoryVaccine Reaction
Pet TypeDog
TopicVaccine Reaction

Hello, my 9 year old lab received a couple of her yearly vaccinations 2 days ago. Today, I noticed that one lymph node in her neck is swollen. Is this relatively normal?


No, this is not a common side effect. I would have your veterinarian recheck her and aspirate that lymph node if it is still enlarged.

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